TM-X5000 Series Video Manuals

This page contains easy-to-understand video manuals detailing basic operation of the TM-X Navigator programs.

1. Transferring Programs to and from the TM-X5000 Controller and the PC

1-1 Back Up a Program from the TM-X5000 to the PC

Capture images in run mode, one-by-one, to create a new workspace in Simulator.

1-2 Restore a Program from the PC to the TM-X5000

Pull a workspace into Simulator and load the program from the PC to the TM-X5000 controller.

The two functions above require the Simulator of the TM-X Navigator to be activated. If it's not already activated, please request activation of the Simulator:
Click here to activate (register for use).

2. Sending and Receiving a TM-X5000 Workspace using the FileTransfer-MEA Software

2-1 Send a TM-X5000 Workspace to another user.

Use the upload function of the FileTransfer-MEA software to send a program to a another verified user of the FileTransfer-MEA software.

2-2 Recieve a TM-X5000 Workspace from another user.

Use the download function of the FileTransfer-MEA software to recieve a program from a another verified user of the FileTransfer-MEA software.

The two functions above use the FileTransfer-MEA software. Please download it below if using:
Program File Transfer Software